Let's Approach.

We examine the data, we examine our clients, and we examine ourselves. By truly taking a deep look within ourselves, we become empowered to change. That change gives us the ability to inspire, and inspiring change is a goal that is at the center of all things Social.Digital.Me. Be it becoming more expressive, diverse, or action-oriented, our progressive princples parallel the mission and goals of Our Women in Politics.

Let's Agree.

At Social.Digital.Me., we make "things." We make a lot of "things". Of all these "things", the one that we put the most effort into is making a difference. Through our support of education and accessible information, we aim to give everyone a voice to be heard and a seat at any table.

Let's Connect.

Connect with us to learn how you can make a difference.

Our Backbone at Social.Digital.Me.

Milan Lee
Project Manager
Chase Sanders
Project Lead
Diego Reales
Creative Director